Jobs for This Week

Meeting Date:  Friday,  April 19 Last day of LTL
Printable Job Responsibility sheets will be provided at each meeting, however, please review the
JOB PRINT OUTS (click here) and ROLES and RULES (click here) prior to class each week.

If you DO NOT see your name listed below, you will  give a 1-2 minute answer to 



Speaker 1

Elianan Wiedyk

Speaker 2

Julie Kim

Speaker 3


Speaker 4


Speaker 5


     “Hot- Seat”

*Be prepared to speak this week if 

someone is absent


Evaluator 1

Maddie Drago

Evaluator 2

Reed Noble

Evaluator 3


Evaluator 4


Evaluator 5



Joshua Bates

Table Topic Master (*need 5-10 questions)

Aidan Vicci and Gabe Susser

Word Master

Hunter Maples

Ah -Counter

Bay Unik


Ava Lute


Vote Counter

Rennet Taylor and Alexos Soulios

General Evaluator

Everett Denckhoff


Next Week’s Speakers and "Hot Seat"

(not necessarily in this order) 

Fourth: Persuasion (All Grades: 4-6 minutes)
students should present information about a dream job, or a job they would like to do in the future possibly, and persuade us of why we should hire them for the job.

Answer these questions (or similar ones) to give details in your speech.
1. What is your dream job--or job you would like to do in the future?
2. Explain or give examples of what someone in this job might do (help us understand what the job is about) don't assume your audience knows all the details)
3. What are the requirements or skills needed for this job?
4. Why should we hire you for this job--Why do you want this job?
5. What experience do you bring if any to this job? or what experience do you hope to get from this job?
6. Why would your skill sets make you beneficial to this job?  Why would you be good at this job?
7. What are some skill sets that you feel you need to improve upon to be best at this job- and how would you improve them?
8. Summarize why you are the best candidate for this job... or once you graduate, why this is the job you feel God calling you to do.

Hot Seat: --none

Click here for the SCHEDULE of upcoming speeches

See you next year!

Best Speaker: Everett Denckhoff

 Best Table Topic: Kaden Kruszka 

     Best Evaluator: Gabe Susser




 "Hot Seat"  Be prepared to speak if a scheduled speaker does not show up or is sick...

If you can't make it let Gina Denckhoff know immediately through Text (843-338-4523) and let the next student in the "Hot Seat" aware of your absence.